Bags Made of Stone

A revolutionary new packaging product for the environmentally conscious.

Why it's time for Stone Paper bags

From a business perspective the benefits of this product from a manufacturing and economical point of view are endless.

Water & Grease Proof

Protect your contents from the elements as well as food items

No Chemicals

Naturally white meaning that it does not require any bleaching

Easy to Recycle

It can be recycled using traditional methods


Strong and durable material means it can be used multiple times

Tear & Stain Resistant

Contents can be stored and carried safely with peace of mind

The environmental benefits

The manufacturing process of 1 tonne of stone paper saves...

20 Trees

From deforestation

More Energy

Than the average home in the UK uses per year!

900kg of CO2

Emissions prevented

60,000 Litres of Water

Saved through the innovative manufacturing process

150kg of solid waste

Avoided due to the recycling of limestone from existing quarries

100% Recyclable

Stone bags are photo degradable

How are Stone Bags made?

Leftovers from the marble mining process are used.

Rocks are ground into small pebbles, then into fine powder.

The powder is then mixed with plastic and turned into pellets.

Pellets are then turned into other stone paper products.

Your questions answered

If you are still unsure as to whether stone paper is right for your business then please find any further answers below.

This innovative carrier bag has multiple uses and one of them is food! They are food safe and also hold the appropriate certification for food transportation.
The water-repellant properties of the material ensure stability and appearance even during bad weather conditions.
Stone Paper is made using an eco-friendly production process that does not utilise water, bleach, acids or toxic chemicals and also does not create air pollution.

In comparison one tonne of traditional wood pulp paper (wood pulp paper is needed for traditional production), requires around 20 tall trees, 60,000 litres of water and can only be recycled up to 7 times meaning that natural forests are often cut or burned down to plant non indigenous, fast growing trees.
We use soy or water based inks when we print on our Stone Paper products which are a non toxic and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional oil based inks.
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) is the most commonly recycled plastic and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. It is a simple and cost effective process to recycle HDPE plastic for secondary use.

Since the global volume of Stone Paper is very low compared to the pulp paper, at it's current low volume it can be put in any recycling stream such as paper, plastic, glass, etc without adversely affecting or damaging the existing recycling streams.

Would you like more information?

Call us on on 01438 742890 or email